How Laser Therapy Helps Cells Function Properly
Laser therapy is not based on the development of heat - but on the photochemical and photobiological effects in cells and tissues. It has been observed that if Laser light is administered in correct doses, certain cell functions are stimulated, especially if cells with a functional deficit are present.
The biological action caused by the user of the Laser in therapy produces a series of effects on cells according to increased production of ATP. The cell, with its mithocondrions stimulated by the Laser, tends to recharge itself with energy, and therefore, if it is damaged due inflammatory, traumatic or degenerative causes, it tends to return to its primary physiological function.
The application technique of Laser light devices helps activate cell functions, fully re-establish damaged tissues, restoring their functionality after metabolic slow-downs due to immobility, traumas or surgical operations. The most evident beneficial effects are: activation of the microcirculation through increased supply of nutrition, re-equilibrium of the functional balance of disordered areas leading to a more rapid normalization and stimulation of lymphatic circulation.
Thousands of studies by many researchers show the biological effects of the Laser when used at a correct energy level. It has, in any event, been established that Laser therapy is neither risky nor invasive, is painless, can be combined with other therapies, and rarely produces side-effects.
Considerable scientific documentation is necessary for a new therapy to be accepted by the medical community. Over 25 years of clinical experience, without evidence of any significant side-effects or damage to tissues. The wide ranging fields of application of the Laser, from rehabilitation therapy to sports therapy, and through to aesthetic cosmetic therapy, make this a reliable, recommended means under direct control of medical personnel attentive to updating and able to their work well.